Receiving a “Welcome to Healthy Campus” email is the most important part of registration. It ensures that your School District has enrolled and that your email is listed on a school roster as a parent/guardian or as a staff member. When your School District enrolls with Healthy Campus you will receive this registration email. The email account it is sent to is the one listed on your School District Roster. Search your email inbox for the subject line: “Welcome to Healthy Campus.” If you are a Parent or Guardian of a student, it will be the email you provided to the district as a parent or guardian. If your child has multiple parents/guardians, check each person’s email account. If you can’t find it, check the spam box or any other email accounts belonging to you, your significant other, or to another parent/guardian.
If you still can’t find the “Welcome to Healthy Campus” email, try this:
Click here to visit the registration page, scroll down under the CREATE ACOUNT button and click the button that says “If your School District has enrolled, but you did not receive an email, click here.” You can input your email into this field and if that email is found on a school roster (as a staff member, parent or guardian) it will re-send the “Welcome to Healthy Campus” email. Feel free to try as many emails as you would like in this field.
If you are unsuccessful in obtaining the “Welcome to Healthy Campus” email, there is a form that you can fill out on that same page. After you fill out the form, feel free to contact our Customer Success team at 855-286-2577.
Important Note to School District Employees who have Children in the District: Registration for Healthy Campus is done as a family. If you are an employee of a School District AND you have children who attend that School District, you may receive two registration emails with two unique PIN numbers (one as a staff member and one as a parent/guardian). It is very important that you check your personal email address(es) first for the registration link. If you received an email in your personal email account, use that email and PIN to register yourself and your family instead of using your school-issued email address. This ensures your children will show up in your account. If you only received an email in your school-issued email account, you may use that email to register. However, if you do not see your children listed when you create the account, it means the parent/guardian email address for your children on their school roster is different than the one you are using.
Follow these step-by-step instructions to register for your School Wellness Program. If you are still stuck after trying this, email and someone will get back to you within one business day. If you are in a hurry, call the Support Team at 855-286-2577.
Log in with the email and password you created.
If you forgot your password, click “forgot password”
Healthy Campus registration starts with an email. This email will include the information you will need to register as well as a unique PIN number to begin the registration process. Please check your spam folder and all email addresses you may have provided to the district. Additionally, here is a helpful link with step by step registration instructions:
If you are still unable to locate the email, please contact our Campus Support Team via email at:
Yes, registration is required. Look for the “Welcome Email from Healthy Campus” to start this process.
Upon every new school year, registration is required. This is in order to ensure that your consent preferences for you and your childrens’ healthcare options are as up to date and accurate as possible. Additionally, we have expanded our company in order to offer school districts a wide variety of additional healthcare services on campus. You can opt into any and all services you are interested in during this registration process.
Please check your spam folder and all email addresses you may have provided to the district. If you are still unable to locate the email, please contact our Campus Support Team via email at: and we can assist you.
An order number will not be provided upon registration. Registration is the creation of your account/web portal. We will be able to locate your account immediately following your completion of registration and we can test you from there.
No appointment is necessary. Once you complete registration, you can show up to the site most convenient for you and you can get tested.
Kiosk/other central testing location: As soon as an individual is registered, we are able to place an order and begin testing. Registration, which includes the consent form, must be fully completed prior to testing.
Cart testing: If the day of testing for a student’s school hasn’t already occurred, then they should expect to get tested that week. If the student’s school has already been tested that week, they should expect to be tested the following week.
A new California law (SB 510) took effect January 1, 2022, and requires California private insurance plans to pay for ALL COVID-19 testing received by you and your dependents at any time during the COVID-19 pandemic, at no cost to you.
All results will be sent to the email address linked to your account.
Rapid Antigen Results: This email will include a link to log into our results platform called ELIS, where you will then create an account. This is a new account separate from the account that was created for registration. Once you have created an account, you will be able to log in and access rapid results.
PCR Results: These results will be emailed to the patient’s directly and require no additional steps to view them.
You will receive an email when your results are ready.
PCR results are more accurate and typically take 1-2 days
Rapid Antigen results are typically delivered within 1-2 hours.
Some patients will have their temperature and pulse ox checked prior to sample collection. The medical professional on-site will ask for some of your personal information to locate your account, then will complete the nasal swab. Usually this takes only a few minutes.
Due to HIPAA laws and regulations, test results will only be sent to the email on file to ensure that medical information is in the hands of the patient or guardian. If you wish to change the email for your account please contact our Campus Support Team via email at: and we can assist you.
You or your child will provide our Medical providers with your first and last name along with your DOB.
Please ensure that your children are listed on your account as your dependents correctly. If they are, and you still have not received their results, please contact our Campus Support Team via email at: and we can assist you.
If you choose to change your consent preferences for yourself or your child, you can make this change on your portal here:
Due to preparation of testing material prior to the date and time, we require a 2 hour window prior to testing to effectively opt a patient out of servicing.
When filling out our registration, every person is given the option to opt into weekly testing or as needed testing. Please be sure to read through the options to ensure accurate consent preferences.
We Make On-Campus Healthcare Possible.
Copyright © 2022 Healthy Campus, LLC.